Sunday 3 February 2013

Omer Arbel- January 31st

1) Omer Arbel Project 28- Blowing/ Sucking Glass 
Omer Arbel's view on design is to not purposely design a form, the form is some ambiguous shape that does not reveal itself till the final step of the design. Omer said, "Your ego is obsessed with a type of form and it comes out subconsciously in the work you do," Omer goes about design differently then most, he likes to experiment with materials or procedures not most people are comfortable with, he likes to take people out of their comfort zone and produce something unique. By doing this he has created his own style and approach to how he sees design.
Recently Omer has been experimenting with glass blowing and has created a beautiful light fixture that is different and unique, no fixture is quite the same. This project is called 57, he played with how glass behaves when it is heated and cooled. He basically blew little glass globs and attached them to a big glass glob which was then dipped into a liquid dark blue glass coating the outside. Once lit it creates different streams of light depending where the globs are situated or how the blue hardened.
Listening to Omers lecture allowed me to think about design in a different way, todays world is so planned out, everything is drafted to the last millimetre nothing is allowed to just take on a form that. The uncertainty of what something is going to look like is something that really drives me, it keeps the excitement there right till the very end. All you think about is ok what is this thing going to look like and you can image all these different things but you will never know until the project is one. This really reminds me of the ED2 warming hut built at the forks this year. No one had any idea what it was going to look like, I do not know how many times people asked me what we were building and I never had an answer for them, I swear my friend Kayla asked me 50 times, "Ok how can you not know what your building.." For some people not having a plan is scary and they do not like the unknown, but to me it provokes excitement and you feel like a giddy little child that cant wait to see what you got for christmas. Its magical in a way.
2) Omer Arbel Project 19- Sand Casting Copper

3) Omer Arbel Project 19- Sand Casting Copper
1) Unknown. Wiki Noticia, "Omer Arbel teaches us a very satellite table lamp ." Last modified 2012. Accessed February 3, 2013.
2) Unknown, . Contemporary Design , "The 19 Series in East Vancouver , Canada by Omer Arbel for Bocci." Last modified 2013. Accessed February 3, 2013.
3) Unknown. Slim Paley , "Copper Light." Last modified 2011. Accessed February 3, 2013.

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